Shame On Us!

  • Post category:General

What is something in Nepal that those who SHOULD have it don't and those who SHOULDN'T do?


A TedTalk on shame that could help us in Nepal to think of shame differently and make social progress!

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#BaghdadBombing #BeirutBombing #NepalBlockade #ParisAttacks

  • Post category:General

Life is life, regardless of nationality, religion, skin color or any trait you want to name. And suffering does not discriminate. But to social and other media, the value of life appears to depend on one or combination of traits, such as nationality and religion.

Additionally, the suffering of some are more of a suffering than those of others. Not to me.

And, what's more, some believe that ones pain and suffering can be alleviated by causing pain and suffering to others. I don't.

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