MYP Y4 Chemistry: Unit 2. Changes Matter Undergo (The Periodic Table)

Embeds of PowerPoint slides covering IB Middle Years Program year 4 chemistry Unit on Changes Matter Undergo. The slides embedded in this blog post cover the sub unit The Periodic Table.

Incidentally, IBO does NOT provide the syllabus. As such, these materials are for syllabus the Science Department at the school I taught at designed.

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MYP Y4-5 Chemistry PowerPoint Slides

This is a reproduction of a resource page for IB MYP years 4 and 5 Chemistry students that used to reside on my homepage. It contains links to online PowerPoint slides on the topics I covered with my students when I taught them a long time ago. Revamping my homepage also involved removing many of these pages, hence the reproduction for the benefit of those who use them.

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