Nepali Teachers’ Association Starkly Lays Bare The Abysmally Poor Quality of Education in The Country

When teachers in Nepal demonstrate a severe lack of understanding of the problems plaguing our education system and their role in the system, and, worse, threatens to take action by punishing the very group (students) they are supposed to be know the quality of our education system is abysmally poor!

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School Enrollment: Not Proficient Enough in English for Grade 1

One of the ways many private schools in Nepal try to mask the poor quality of education they provide: say that the education their school provide is better than other private schools. So, they require transfer students to take an admissions test and -- lo and behold! -- the child is found lacking in some academic areas and suggested to repeat the year (grade)!

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Nepal Education: Our Textbooks Hinder Learning!

Pretty much every Nepali school textbook I have seen and read about, I have decided, actually hinders children's learning, forget promote -- and contribute to -- them! In this blog post, I show how a fifth grade textbook completely misses the mark.

The solution? Do away with the local and national level examinations in grades 8 and 10 and eliminate textbooks.

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Post-secondary Education: Here’s One of The Major Ways We Fail Our Students

A glimpse into post-secondary school education in the country through a student's notebook and an examination paper. The two make very little sense. But that's post-secondary education in Nepal for you. No wonder we fail a vast majority of our students.

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How I Dealt With My Little Nephew’s Temper Tantrums

When a baby or toddler throws a temper tantrum, the easiest way to deal with it is to divert their attention to something else by talking to the child. It could be about something you see in the sky or nearby or it could be about the music you just started playing etc. The very very short attention span of such children means that they will readily and easily refocus their attention to a new stimulus from what they are fixated on when they are throwing the tantrum.

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