Kathmandu Post: “How Abnormal is Normal?”

Sex, we are born with. Gender, however, is a social construct. Except, in Nepali society, that simple fact is NOT understood very well, mainly because of our very patriarchal and misogynistic society, and abysmally poor quality of education. But here's an opportunity for you to challenge and question your Nepali-culture inculcated ideas of what constitutes the female gender.

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“We Cannot use Western paradigms and values to judge Nepali customs and mores.”

Something I have been curious to learn more about for a while: Why are Nepalis so defensive when it comes to comments about, or criticisms of, their beliefs or cultural practices? And why is one of the objections always, "You can't view it through Western lenses"? Here's an example of one such instance which got me scratching my head...again.

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