Birth is a beginning…not an end, unlike how the Caste System in Nepal treats it.

Affirming Non-white is NOT Equivalent to Denying White

White privilege is something a white person enjoys by virtue of his/her skin color. No white person gets discriminated BECAUSE of his/her white skin color, the way a non-white person frequently is, for instance. No white person is denied something BECAUSE of his/her skin color, the way a non-white person frequently is, to give another example.

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#IWalkFreely…as Should Our Girls And Women

Girls and women need to be able to walk free just as boys and men. Boys and men MUST to do what they can to ensure that because every boy and man has a sister or a mother or an aunt or a grandmother or a female cousin or a wife or a female friend. One thing a boy or a man can do easily is be an ally and counter harassment whenever you see it happening.

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