About Dassain…”Methinks thou dost protest too much”

Closed and inward-looking people are "offended" or "hurt" by anything they perceive as an attack on anything even remotely connected to or part of their identity. Many even go on the offensive in reaction instead of introspecting.

Closed and inward-looking Nepalis are no different. This is an example of their reaction to protests by indigenous population against Dassain, the biggest national festival of the country, which, to many of them, is a symbol of oppression and suppression.

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Religion Does NOT Have a Monopoly Over Morality or Ethics

Religion does not have a monopoly over morality or ethics. In other words, you don't have to be religious or even be associated with a religion to be a moral or ethical person.

Many societies exist in the world which are considerably less religious than Nepal but, as far as I am concerned, are considerably more moral and ethical.

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Hold up a Mirror to a Closed and Inward-looking People, They’ll Shatter It

Nepalis on average are a closed and inward looking people. And because of that, when the proverbial mirror is held in front of them, offended, disappointed, or not liking what is reflected back, they generally shatter the mirror. In this blog post, I document one such example from Twitter.

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The origin myths behind Nepalis’ “खुट्टा तान्ने प्रवृत्ति”

"Khutta tanne prabidhi" is the Nepalis' tendency to and practice of not only pulling others more "successful" down, but also actively preventing others from accessing that which may make them successful. Here are two origin myths that apparently explain how it started and affirm that practice!

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