Nepalis Struggle to Recognize Life Experience They Haven’t Had, or Can’t Imagine Having, Does or Can Happen

We don't have a dearth of Nepalis who frequently make the mistake of interpreting what someone else is saying, writing, and/or doing from only where they stand -- culturally, economically, socially, experientially, emotionally, intellectually etc. -- and, in the process, miss a lot of where the person is coming from and also the value in their message and/or their act.

This is an example of that from twitter.

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Lynching of Half-a-Dozen Dalits by a Mob of Dozens in Rukum in May 2020 and Nepali Media

On May 23, 2020, a mob of 50-60 so-called higher caste villagers lynched half-a-dozen Dalit males. Not long after, the story mostly disappeared from mainstream media in Nepal. But that's NOT surprising in a society of people whose minds have been corrupted by the Caste System.

Nepal needs a revolution...a revolution of the mind.

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In the Land Everyone Takes Pride in as the Birth Place of Buddha, We are Very Short on Compassion

The caste system is highly corrupting. It has corrupted the minds of so many Nepalis for so long that, even while taking pride in the country as the birth place of Buddha who introduced compassion to the world and denounced the system, we are very short on compassion.

And this blog post documents just one example of that: responses to a tweet by a Dalit woman desiring "to live as a human being today."

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Caste Hierarchy, False-equivalence Argument, and Mount Everest

When a hill so-called high caste Hindu counters a member of another caste describing the challenges in their lives because of the caste they are born into by saying that they too struggle and have had to work hard to get as far as they have gotten in life, they are basically making a false-equivalence argument. What is a false-equivalence argument anyway? I go into the details by using an analogy -- that of climbing Mount Everest.

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So You Think There is No Caste-based Discrimination in Nepal? Think Again!

Being told again and again that very little or no caste-based discrimination exists in Nepal, I started documenting, on Twitter, news reports about just that -- caste-based discrimination. The articles I shared in the tweets were mostly about discrimination and mistreatment of Dalits, the lowest caste. In this blog post, I have reproduced all the tweets in that thread.

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