NOT Surprised Nepal’s Judiciary is Corrupt; Would Have Been if NOT — Here’s Why

I am NOT surprised by the fact that so many of the systems in Nepal are so thoroughly corrupt. Reason? Select ethnic/caste groups(s) monopolizing State structures continuously for centuries, as had been the case in this country, is itself one of the root causes -- if not THE root cause -- as well as evidence of corruption.

The judiciary is no exception.

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“I am a Teacher”: A Study in Contrast

Reproduction of a performance at UWC-USA early this century by a friend and colleague, and I, two teachers at the school. Written by us two, it looks at social realities of the world today through the eyes of two teachers from vastly different cultures. It reflects and exposes the stark inequalities and incredible diversity prevalent in the world today.

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Flawed Argument (Unwittingly?) Supporting Maintenance of Caste System in Nepal: Constitution-inspired?

An argument that most likely patriots or (ultra)nationalists have made, calling for all Nepalis to rally around "unity in diversity" for "national unity" and "harmony," (unwittingly?) supports the maintenance of the caste system. Turns out, the source of those concepts is our very own constitutions!

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