Education Is Freedom: Campaign in Nepal

  • Post category:Projects

As the international fundraising campaign Education is Freedom - Nepal winds down, the long-awaited fundraising campaign in Nepal for fellow Nepalese either residing in the country and/or unable to pledge through the page, for one reason or another, is live. Here's the link to the pledge page: Pledge away! Thank you. * * * *…

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Supporting Instructions in French

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With thanks to Gwen, here's the French instructions for how to support through Paypal or Credit card. Pour nous offrir votre soutien via PayPal Une fois que vous appuyez sur le bouton PayPal ci-dessus, vous serez redirigé vers pour identifier et sélectionner votre mode de paiement. Vous aurez besoin d'un compte PayPal pour compléter la transaction. PayPal vous…

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Supporting Instructions in Spanish

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With thanks to Anuschka, here's the Spanish instructions for how to support through Paypal or Credit card. Apoyo vía PayPal   Una vez que pulse el botón de PayPal de arriba, se le redigirá a para iniciar la sesión y seleccionar el método de pago. Usted necesitará una cuenta PayPal para completar la transacción; utilizar…

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Supporting Instructions in German

  • Post category:Projects

With thanks to Karla, here's the German instructions for how to support through Paypal or Credit card. Unterstützung via PayPal Sobald Sie den PayPal-Button oben drücken, werden Sie zu umgeleitet werden, um dort Ihre Zahlungsmethode zu wählen. Sie benötigen ein PayPal-Konto, um die Spenden-Transaktion abzuschließen; PayPal erlaubt Ihnen, mit Kreditkarten zu bezahlen; Sie können…

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